Paris Manifestations
January-April, 2023
These photos were taken in Paris at some of the various “Manifestation” or demonstrations that have taken place in response to the proposed and now adopted changes to France’s retirement regulations. I had no idea what to expect when I began attending these demonstrations, but I knew that the people were quite upset with the proposed changes. One thing that surprised me was how large the police presence was and how almost every officer was equipped with full riot gear, but also how the police were so careful to keep such a wide berth between themselves and the demonstrators during the marches. And I was even more surprised when in the midst of 10s of thousands of demonstrators that the feeling was so positive. I had expected to feel anger and frustration in the crowd, but while there certainly was a strong feeling of determination and solidarity within the crowd of “manifestons,” and while I was only ever able to attend the beginnings of the marches, I was amazed by how peaceful it felt to exist within the crowd.